European Solar & Storage Market Briefing 2019 – Düsseldorf | Germany

Event Details

See complete agenda here.


Key Facts:


21 February 2019
9.30 am – 5.00 pm


Hotel Nikko Düsseldorf »
Immermannstraße 41
40210 Düsseldorf


Session 1  Under the Magnifying Lens: Current Facts and Figures of the Market and Germany’s Special Role in the Innovative Shaping of our Energy Future

At the beginning of the day, you can look forward to an all-round introduction to the current state of the solar and storage market. Based on concrete feedback from installers and end customers, the residential, commercial and utility size areas will be broken down into facts and figures. Particular attention will be paid to Germany’s pioneering role in the areas of sector coupling, e-mobility and digitization.

Session 2 – The Whole Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Is Europe Working Hard Enough on a New Energy Landscape?

In order to understand the solar and storage market, it is necessary to think holistically. With a view to the structures and developments in Europe, this session will present and analyze the individual driving and hindering forces. What are today’s emerging markets? What are the effects of framework conditions? How does the current pricing of electricity arise and how will it develop?

See complete agenda here.