Dan Shugar, Seo
NEXTracker, Inc.
For 30 years, Dan Shugar has helped advance renewable energy in the U.S. and around the globe. As Founder and CEO of NEXTracker, Dan brings together solar expertise and technology innovation in a way few technology leaders can. In five short years, he created a solar start-up in the Balance of Systems (BOS) manufacturing segment and drove a successful acquisition with investment grade component manufacturer, Flex. Since founding NEXTracker, the Company has held global market share leadership for four consecutive years and has contracted and installed over 20 GW of PV systems on six continents. Prior to NEXTracker, he grew Solaria Corporation’s annual revenue five times over a three year period. Well-known for his leadership as president of SunPower Corporation and president of Powerlight, he surrounds himself with passionate, tech-savvy, clean energy-driven executive teams who share his mission to make solar a mainstream energy source. From Central California to the Atacama Desert of Chile, there isn’t a solar power plant Dan doesn’t know about or has worked to develop. He holds multiple U.S. patents and has published over 50 technical papers.
Dan Shugar has delighted and inspired audiences at over 100s of events, keynotes and technical panels. Some notable venues include: FORTUNE Brainstorm E 2015, the MIT Energy Conference, Solar Power International, Intersolar, Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FAPCCI) Solar Week Conference, Greentech Media Solar Market Insight, Solar Power Finance and Investment Summit, Photovoltaics Summit, PV USA, Cleantech Open West, and Commonwealth Club’s Climate One, among many others.
Mr. Shugar holds a BS in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an MBA from Golden Gate University. If asked of his most coveted achievement, he would most likely mention the six years he served as a Board Member of the Sierra Club where we worked on the Beyond Coal Campaign. He currently sits on the Board of Directors for the Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA), Advanced Energy Economy (AEE), and The Solar Foundation (TSF).
Related resources:
Long form bio
Executive Profile video
Blog: Driving What’s Next: NEXTracker Launches Energy Storage Solutions Portfolio
Watt it Takes with Emily Kirsch of Powerhouse: podcast
Dan Shugar on the Future of Solar Power at SF’s the Commonwealth Club