February 18, 2021 / 9 AM (CET) / Solar & Storage DigiCon: In cooperation with EUPD Research and major industry brands, the event series will shed light on latest trends and business opportunities in key markets. Delegates will gain a deep understanding of current framework conditions, technological breakthroughs and installer requirements in highly-focused short sessions.

February 25, 2021 / 10 AM (CET) / pv Webinar: [DE] Bei den Innovationsausschreibungen im September waren 27 hybride Photovoltaikkraftwerke mit Batteriespeichern erfolgreich. Christian Mayr und Philipp Ruf von Maxsolar berichten vom Projekt Reckertshausen, das bei den Innovationsausschreibungen erfolgreich war und jetzt gebaut wird.

February 25, 2021 / 2 PM (CET) / Solar & Storage DigiCon: Look forward to a highly informative event with sustainable energy solutions provider and energy storage expert, Innoses, at Solar & Storage DigiCon! The online session will focus on the topic of advancing the Li-ion battery value chain and technologies. It will be held […]

March 3, 2021 / 9 AM (CET) / Solar & Storage DigiCon: In cooperation with EUPD Research and major industry brands, the event series will shed light on latest trends and business opportunities in key markets. Delegates will gain a deep understanding of current framework conditions, technological breakthroughs and installer requirements in highly-focused short sessions.

March 23, 2021 / 5 PM (AEDT) / Solar & Storage DigiCon: The PV and storage market in Australia has been booming for some years now. This event and the speakers will shed light on recent developments and give an outlook on the potential for the years to come.

April 13, 2021 / Solar & Storage DigiCon: Without a doubt, the US offers one of the greatest potentials to be a solar nation. Nontheless, the market experienced heavy fluctuations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in the first half of 2020. With discounts and 25-year loan terms installers were able to recover.